Trout are clean and delicious

Nothing like a TROUT



By Laura Dobbins

The first fish I ever caught was a trout, so naturally it became a favorite early on. Most of the trout I have caught have been rainbow but I have also reeled in Alpers, Browns and Lake trout. As far as I can tell I haven’t pulled in any Cutthroat or Brookies, though I have caught some trout that didn’t look like any photos I’ve come across, but that story is for another day. I’d like to one day travel the U.S. and catch a trout in every state but for now, I am satisfied with having caught some beautiful fish in California and Montana.

There are 5 primary trouts distributed throughout the US – rainbow, brook, brown, cutthroat and lake trout – with several varieties of the salmonids found, especially in California and Montana. Trout are a clean fish and mostly live in cold water. The fish are easy to clean and great to eat. Aside from a smooth body, colorful skin and natural swimming finesse, most environments where trout live are majestic.

There isn’t anything like the views that surround the ponds, creeks, rivers and lakes where trout are found.

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